
Lifting Inspection cycle Automation beXel will digitalize the Lifting inspection process starting from the Job order to the certificate issuing with a unique QR code. Request a Demo Click here NDT Inspection cycle Automation Carry out your NDT inspection cycle…

Desktop offline App

Desktop Offline App Online or  offline — everything you need to create reports is in the palm of your hand. beXel inspection software offer an offline app to do inspection in a remote area where their no  data coverage .…

Tubluar Inspection software

Tubular Inspection The Digital OCTG Inspection software module from beXel allows inspectors to perform and track drill pipe, tool and OCTG (casing and tubing) inspections digitally and save the data to a secure cloud-based server. Pipe inspection is consider very…

DROPS Inspection System

Drops object survey software Drops Object Module has all the pre-defined data set for drop downs and inspection prompts/checklists for the items and can be managed through the web control panel by Technical/QA team. DROPS Inspection System by beXel allow…

Lifting Inspection

Lifting Inspection beXel is designed for Lifting and Rigging inspections, to manage the data for your equipment with the most efficient way. We have created a go to solution for everyone in the Lifting inspection industry according to LEEA and…

NDT Inspection Software

NDT inspection Software Organize and control the complete NDT job workflow using this module. It integrate with the job order management module which gives you the perfect workflow. beXel NDT inspection software allow you to manage all Non destructive testing…

Job Order Management

Job Order Management beXel provides you with proper Job management that’s tailored to your operations inspection cycle. view the calendar of  all your team inspection to check for their current work that they are assigned for Request a Demo Click…

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